JSC "MERIDIAN" is 30 years old!

A round anniversary is an important event in the history of the company. This is a certain milestone, the time to sum up the results and new plans. In September this year, our company celebrated its 30th anniversary. The celebration took place at the Chaika Hotel on the picturesque bank of the Oka River. The event was held in the format of team building, ceremonial part and a banquet.

In his speech, the General Director of JSC "Meridian" Kirill Alexandrovich Grachev noted the success and achievements of the company for 30 years, thanked the employees for their professional work and expressed confidence that in the future the company will continue to follow the outlined course, master new areas, build far-reaching plans and occupy leading positions in the industry.

The holiday was traditionally held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, the company's employees got a charge of energy, cheerfulness and positiveness.